Simplified booking accommodations
Intuitive filters
Choose from your favorite hotel chains without having to go to a million different websites to compare prices. Filter by star rating, price, neighborhood (if you want to be sure to be by the office for example), or distance. Then sort by recommended hotels, closest and the cheapest. Intuitive filters for a complete booking system. We partner with your favorite suppliers and travel sites so you only have to book accommodations in one place.
Automated travel policy determines if hotel is in policy
We help you set up your automated travel policy so you can control your travel spend. Put a cap on hotel price depending on whether an employee, manager, or executive is traveling. Set a manual price cap or let the sky be the limit. The good thing is that with an automated travel policy, you’re in control no matter what. Plus, employees can easily understand what hotels are in policy with a green check stating “in policy” when booking in the system.
Fast, effective & easy booking
Extensive inventory to book accommodation for business travel
We have an extensive inventory of corporate travel deals for corporate accommodation thanks to being part of the industry-leading BCD family. Our negotiated rates are some of the best on the market, and we keep an eye on prices to make sure your business travel plans continue to be as cheap and within your travel budget as possible.
Increase productivity
Best travel deals
Easy and fast bookings
25% average savings
Digital first & backed by real travel experts
No software installation
Frequently asked questions
Got a question? We have the answer!
Some hotels let you pay for a hotel before you stay or at the time of checkout. When traveling for business sometimes it’s advisable to pay before you arrive, that way you’re sure to input all the necessary details and your company’s tax information so that the invoice is ready before you even arrive. Of course, if you are likely to spend on a lot of incidentals then it’s probably better to pay after your stay.
There are many popular hotel booking websites, such as and Expedia, but for business travelers it’s best to use a software like GetGoing who gives you a hand with everything you need to successfully book accommodations.
Hotels tend to book up in high season like during European summer, and during Winter and Spring Break. Luckily, this isn’t the time when most people will be taking business trips, because business tends to slow down during these periods. In any case, to avoid finding a hotel fully booked, be sure to book as far in advance as possible, and your business travel plans permit. You may get cheaper rates if you book two weeks in advance, as prices tend to fluctuate depending on the time you book.
Hotel commissions for booking sites are the way sites like make money. They generally charge between 10-20% commissions depending on the number of rooms a hotel has. In the case of a business travel software like GetGoing, you generally pay €4,95 per trip. Check out GetGoing’s pricing for more information.
Experience first-hand how business travel should be
Book, manage and optimize your business travel with just one platform for the entire team.