Millions of corporate travel deals in one place

Tired of searching hundreds of websites to get the best corporate travel discounts? GetGoing is here for you! If you’re tired of looking for countless business travel deals for flights, hotels and more in one place, keep reading.

Get access to millions of business travel deals for flights, hotels, rental cars and train from just one business travel platform

Unlock business travel deals & savings

Save up to 25% on overall travel costs for flights, hotels, rental cars and rail by using GetGoing. The all-in-one platform comes with all the travel deals built in,  including some of the best negotiated rates. By booking all your business travel in one place, your team can be more productive and book faster, which translates into savings across the board for your company.

lufthansa flight
Airline logos
Pick from millions of business travel deals for flights, hotels, rental cars and train travel, all from one business travel platform

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Filter down to your favorites

Our direct connections and partnerships with your favorite suppliers and popular travel sites like and Expedia; make GetGoing your go-to place to book. If you’re looking for how to get business travel deals and discounts on flights, hotel deals and to avoid getting lost in all those great corporate travel deals, easily filter down to your favorites with built-in search filters.

Travel deals search filters for hotel
corporate flights go smart feature
corporate flights fly smarter

Automatic control over prices

Get the flexibility you need & the business travel deals you want

Go Smart helps you prioritize the cheapest flight options for your travelers by allowing you to see if a flight price is less expensive ($) or more expensive ($$$$) than similar options so you can make the most informed decisions. Manage your policy and set a price cap, ensuring your employees always have access to the most convenient travel options within the company’s budget. It’s that easy.

Negotiated prices

Price change? We’re on it!

Prices change, monthly, weekly, even daily. That’s how to get corporate travel discounts. We keep an eye on the market to see if there are any new prices or suppliers for your trips. On top of that, we use our global buying power, as part of the industry-leading BCD family, to negotiate the most valuable prices for you so that you get the best business travel discounts.

Experience first-hand how business travel should be

Book, manage and optimize your business travel with just one platform for the entire team.